
The Dairy Production Plant in Zambrów has been part of Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Mlekpol in Grajewo since 31 October 2003. SM Mlekpol in Grajewo joined with Spółdzielnia Mleczarska Zambrowianka.


The Dairy Production Plant in Zambrów of SM Mlekpol is famous for producing the highest quality various types of Łaciate UHT cream, delicious Mazurski Smak quark as well as Mlekpol lactose-free quark. The plant also offers Łaciate evaporated milk and the varied selection of flavoured milk.

The plant in Zambrów processes over 282 000 000 litres of milk per year, exclusively from its own purchasing base.

Zambrów products are made of milk from cows grazed on the cleanest Podlasie and Mazurian meadows. Natural milk producers, cows, are fed with non-GMO products.

The Dairy Production Plant in Zambrów is equipped with two largest and most advanced quark cheese production lines. It also serves for producing powdered dairy products: skimmed milk, sour whey, demineralized whey, sweet whey powder.


The dairy plant in Zambrów has received the quality certificates: