
Łaciate UHT milk 3,2%

Product description
Product information

Delicious Polish milk from cows fed with non-GMO products – pure milk. Being an excellent source of calcium and protein, it also provides a wealth of valuable vitamins and minerals.
Łaciate milk has been the sales hit for years. Poles have loved this UHT milk because due to the proven technology and modern packaging it stays fresh for 12 months (until opening), without losing its taste or nutritional value.

Barcode 5900820000066
Single package: 500 ml
Collective package:
Quantity per pallet: 8 litres
Number of layers: 1216
Number of collective packages per pallet: 8
Number of collective packages per layer: 152
Expiration date: 12 months

       Our milk comes
from the cleanest
       regions of Poland
