Shake the carton of MLEKPOL curdled milk – pour into a tall container. Add the honey and vanilla sugar. Blend the ingredients until the consistency is smooth and velvety. The degree of sweetness depends on your taste or willingness. Remember that MLEKPOL curdled milk has a distinctive sour flavour, so you might want more sugar in your milky base.
Dissolve the gelatine in 100 ml hot water. Set aside to cool until lukewarm. When still liquid – pour in to the milky dessert base. Stir everything very thoroughly one more time. Remember that the gelatine should be still a little bit warm when you add it, otherwise it will get sturdy and form ”rubber clots”.
Pour the refreshing mixture into dessert cups or one big jelly bowl. Leave to rest in the fridge for about 2 hours. Serve with the confiture or jam of your favourite fruit. In the summer, you can prepare a portion of your favourite jam just when you need it. Simply combine 0,25 kg fruit with 100 g sugar (optionally cane sugar) and fry until your confiture gets thick. Then set aside to cool. Decorate the dessert with mint or lemon balm leaves.
Yuuuummmyy, refreshing, white and red