Boil Łaciate milk with the vanilla sugar and 1-2 tablespoons of regular sugar. The degree of sweetness depends on your taste or willingness Separate the whites and yolks. Whip the whites until stiff. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar at the end of whipping.
When the milk starts boiling, reduce the heat to low. Start preparing “sweet little clouds” Using a teaspoon place the portions of the whipped whites in the milk. Cook the clouds a couple of seconds on each side. Set aside on a plate or kitchen paper. When you take the clouds out, remove the milk from heat. Beat the egg yolks in a bowl. Temper by adding a spoonful of hot milk. Once the egg mixture is warmed up, pour in to the rest of hot Łaciate milk. Bring the soup to the boil stirring all the time. Scoop the soup into bowls and top with yummy sweet clouds